4D Productions relies on fundraisers and contributions in order to function. Because of generous donations from people like you, we are able to provide a unique and highly advanced learning experience while at the same time giving back to our community. We want to make an experience for our kids like no one else can. Our fundraising campaign, dubbed "ONE VIS1ON" sets out to make sure we can continue to provide high quality entertainment for all. We need your generosity and help to ensure that we can continue letting the talent of tomorrow thrive today.
DVDs are produced only for members of our theatre community for educational historic records. We are not liable for damages associated with third parties breaking the law and loading these products online. You would need expressed written consent and a financial agreement from the rights owner to do this. Bottom line - do not put these products online. You risk personal legal consequences.
4D Productions has been fortunate enough to receive significant contributions from the following:
The Keith W. Fengler Foundation - Donating over $45,000 for our core Apple based infrastructure.
The North Syracuse Education Foundation - Donating over $2,000 for audio hardware.
Barclay Damon, LLP - Donating Plasma Displays totaling over $10,000